IGNITE PROGRAM: Candidate’s Responsibility A youth may enter into this part of the Confirmation process in eighth or ninth grade, provided they have completed the prerequisite INVITED topics, seventh or eighth grade Catholic school or another Catholic parish Faith Formation program. In addition to their formation experience, each youth is encouraged to participate in our […]
INVITED PROGRAM To inquire about registering your child for the upcoming program year, contact our Invited Coordinator, Megan Hanrahan. Once a youth enters middle school, they are INVITED to begin discerning their calling as a Catholic disciple as they journey closer to the Sacrament of Confirmation. At our parish, this is done through the exploration of six […]
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20) Welcome! It is the goal of our programs to provide families with children of all ages with the opportunity to build a family life which […]
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matt 18:20)
Mission The Respect Life Ministry focuses on increasing the awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. We educate our parishioners about the moral evils of abortion, infanticide, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and assisted suicide, and to defend and restore the Culture of LIFE through campaigns of […]
The Spiritual Life & Prayer Commission includes programs and ministries that focus on helping individuals develop a reflective, conscious awareness of individual gifts and talents in order to discern spiritual calling, personal responsibilities and discover God’s unique imprint on their hearts. It focuses on establishing prayerful ministries and programs and inviting parishioners to raise their […]
The mission of all our programs and events is to provide parents with the support to raise children in the Catholic faith and to enable a family life built upon and completely intertwined with that faith. We need individuals who love Jesus and have a desire to help form Catholic disciples. Volunteer roles are listed […]
St. Matthew parish offers scholarship opportunities for high school seniors or adults continuing their education! Deadline to apply for either scholarship is April 15, 2025. JOURNEY OF FAITH SCHOLARSHIP: Two $5000 Scholarships will be awarded. Adults and high school seniors may apply. ADULTS: Registered St. Matthew parishioner; active in parish ministry; pursuing a degree and […]
Adult Faith FormationAltar GuildAltar ServersAngel TreeArts & EnvironmentBereavement MinistryBlood Give-InBowling (Ladies)Boy ScoutsBridgeCenacles of Divine MercyCentering PrayerCharismatic Prayer GroupChildren’s ChoirChrist Renews His ParishChristians in Career TransitionColumbiettesCub ScoutsCursilloDivine MercyDonated GoodsElizabeth MinistryEucharistic AdorationExtraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionFamily AssistFamily Life MinistryFinance CouncilFood PantryFriendship TraysGirl ScoutsHealth and Fitness MinistryHomeless Relief MinistryKnights of ColumbusKnit and CrochetLay Dominican GroupLegion of MaryLibrary CommitteeLiving […]
In late spring of 2024, during routine heavy maintenance, a portion of the New Life Center’s roof was replaced. When the roofers removed a section of the front coping, they discovered a hidden beehive nestled between the exterior and interior walls. To get a better look, we called in a local beekeeper, and what we […]