St. Matthew > Francis Feast of Union County


To provide food for the homeless and working poor of Union County on the first Sunday of each month.

Volunteer Opportunities

Help us bring dinner to the homeless and working poor of Union County. For all the info and to volunteer.

St. Matthew Catholic Church parishioners are hosting a hot meal on the first Sunday of the month, Sept. – May. You do not have to be a member of St. Matthew to volunteer. However, you do need to register as a non-parishioner, be active in ministry, and complete all safe environment policy requirements.

Here is how you can help:

  1. Donate Food: Drop off on Sunday at the Waxhaw campus kitchen between 3 pm and 4 pm. Please mark all food items clearly for Francis Feast (FF). If you are donating refrigerated items, please place them in the refrigerator in the kitchen. If you need to drop off donations another time, please contact the FF team via e-mail at
  2. Prepare: Sign up to help prepare entrees and load food into vehicles on Sundays from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm at the Waxhaw campus.
  3. Serve Dinner/ Clean Up: Space is limited so sign up now to serve on the first Sunday of the month from 4:30 to 7 pm.

Meet at the St. Matthew Parish Waxhaw campus at 4:30 pm, load cars with food, and travel as a group to Monroe to serve dinner to our homeless brothers and sisters. Or, you can meet the group at the Community Shelter of Union County at 5:30 pm.

Some volunteers will be needed to transport food from the church to the shelter.

The address is 160 Meadow Street, Monroe, NC 28110

Contact the Francis Feast team at or Stephanie Rzepka at 404-229-7423.

Time Commitment

2-4 hours depending on what you have signed up to do, on the first Sunday of each month Sept. – May.

If you are not currently receiving the monthly SignupGenius, please submit your email to to be added to the list.



You can contact us at