A Faith Lived: St. Matthew Catholic Church Ministries
Welcome to St. Matthew Catholic Church, where our vibrant community is connected in Christ and inspired by the Holy Spirit! We believe that faith is a living expression, and we showcase this through our participation in over 100 ministries that enrich our spiritual, social, and service lives. Explore each ministry’s page to discover more about their mission and how you can get involved!
Which Ministry is for You?
Are you eager to get involved but unsure where you can make the biggest impact? We’d love to help you find the perfect fit!
Please, take a moment to fill out this form to get started or contact Rossana Alvarez, Engagement and Volunteer Coordinator, at ralvarez@stmatthewcatholic.org for personalized assistance.
Explore Our Ministries
Our ministries are organized into six general categories. Click the links below to visit each ministry’s dedicated webpage for details on meeting times, points of contact, and other important information.
We can’t wait for you to join us in living out our faith together!

- Absences and Session Swaps
- Be The Church
- Beginnings: Little Catholics
- BRIDGES: Middle School Eucharist Formation
- Catholic Kids: Elementary Years
- Catholic School: Sacraments
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word
- Confirmation
- Faith and Family Program Volunteer
- First Sacraments: Elementary Years
- Formation Program Volunteers
- IGNITE: Confirmation Process – Part Two
- INVITED: Confirmation Process – Part One
- Order of Christian Initiation for Teens
- Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
- Sacramental Preparation
- Special Needs Faith Formation
- Summer INVITED Intensive
- Youth Ministry
- Adult Faith Formation

- Angel Tree
- Blood Give-In
- Family Assist
- Have Items You’d Like to Donate?
- Knit and Crochet
- Ministries that Serve the Homeless
- Ministries that Serve the Hungry
- Monsignor McSweeney World Hunger Drive
- Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Guild
- Pastoral Care Ministry
- Refugee Resettlement Ministry
- Respect Life Ministry
- St. Matthew Prison Ministry
- Walking With Moms in Need

- Bereavement Ministry
- Bowling (Ladies)
- Boy Scouts
- Bridge Group
- Christians in Career Transition
- Columbiettes
- Cub Scouts Pack 8
- Girl Scouts
- Health and Fitness Ministry
- Knights of Columbus
- Moms Group
- New Ventures
- Newcomers Group – Moving on After Moving In
- Pinochle Club
- S.T.A.R.S. (Seniors That Are Retired)
- Socially Forward with Widows and Widowers
- Welcome Home for Returning Catholics
- Young Adult Ministries