St. Matthew > Ministries List > Parish Family Life > Newcomers Group – Moving on After Moving In

With the love of Christ, to enfold, embrace, and encourage women new to our parish and/or the greater community.

Moving On After Moving In

Six-Week Program

We welcome ladies new to the area to our six-week study of God’s role and love in the process of your moving transition. The study is on Wednesdays, Feb. 19 – Mar. 26 from 9:30 – 11 am. Are you struggling to get your family settled and the children in a new routine? Are you yearning for an answer as to why God has brought you to this new place, or has your move left you feeling lost and lonely, and you simply want to make some new friends? Our team will embrace and encourage you as we read the book After the Boxes Are Unpacked: Moving On After Moving In by Susan Miller. The book and weekly discussions serve as a vehicle for personal, spiritual, and communal growth and support.

Please contact Becky Malinowski for further information and a link to register at

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