St. Matthew > Faith Formation > Youth Ministry > High School Youth Ministry

What is Life Teen?

Life Teen is a Catholic high school youth ministry program that is committed to providing our teens with the best possible opportunities for personal and spiritual growth through catechesis (religious education), fellowship, service, outreach, and leadership.

All high school teens are invited to Life Teen! 

Following the Youth Mass on Sundays, we gather for snack followed by our program for the night – we kick off with a game; followed by a talk on the topic for the evening; then we go into small groups and end with a prayer activity. All Life Nights are for the purpose of providing opportunities for our teens to explore their faith and form friendships with other Catholic teens who are also walking the journey of discipleship.

Time: 6:30PM to 8:15PM

Location: Banquet Room

Life Teen Camp: Covecrest 

Reach out to Sarah with any questions. 


Click on the picture to the left to Register. 

Cost: $225 

(Financial assistance is available upon request).

January 5                    Community Building & Expectations

January 12                  Just Keep Smiling (Dealing with Stress)

January 26                  Break the Ice – SMLT Social Night

February 2                  SMLT Game Night 

February 13                SMLT Valentine Exchange * (Thursday)

Feb. 28-Mar. 2           Life Teen Retreat at Camp Thunderbird *

March 16                    XLT Eucharistic Adoration & Reconciliation with EDGE *

March 23                    You’re Overreacting (Drama & Toxic Relationships)

March 30                    SMLT Social Night

April 6                         Don’t Worry About It (Vaping and Substance Abuse)

April 13                      SMLT Prom *

May 4th                      Welcome to Life Teen (8th grade)

May 18th                    Onward & Upward-Senior Send-Off *

 June 1st                      Baccalaureate Mass *



Reach out to our High School Youth Minister!

Sarah Jerome