St. Matthew > Faith Formation > Summer INVITED Intensive

Open to middle school youth (6th to 8th grade) beginning or in the process of completing the INVITED topics. Each topic is offered in a three-day intensive at our Waxhaw campus. Youth may enroll in no more than two topics during the summer and must be present all three days to receive credit for the topic.

Details and expectations for the middle school INVITED program can be found here.

Summer Topics and Times

July 22 to 24July 29 to 31
9:30 am to 12 pm
Sacraments, Morality, Trinity
9:30 am to 12 pm
Revelation, The Church, Jesus Christ
5:30 to 8 pm
Revelation, The Church, Jesus Christ
5:30 to 8 pm
Sacraments, Morality, Trinity