St. Matthew > Faith Formation > INVITED: Confirmation Process – Part One


To inquire about registering your child for the upcoming program year, contact our Invited Coordinator, Megan Hanrahan.

Once a youth enters middle school, they are INVITED to begin discerning their calling as a Catholic disciple as they journey closer to the Sacrament of Confirmation. At our parish, this is done through the exploration of six topics: Jesus Christ, Sacraments, The Church, The Trinity, Revelation and Morality.  In addition to their formation experience, we encourage every youth to take part in our parish youth group for middle school (Edge) or high school (Life Teen) – information can be found through the button links at the bottom of page.

STEP ONE – THE TOPICS: The INVITED program may be started anytime between sixth and ninth grade. Each participant is expected to complete all six topics before moving into part two of the Confirmation process. How and when this happens depends upon your family life and schedule. The topics are offered in a rotating as seen in the session schedule at the bottom of the page, as well as grade level planners to map out your child’s INVITED journey.

Attendance is expected at all seven sessions, but we recognize that illness or unforeseen family circumstances may prevent attendance. For that reason, we built in a grace for absences as well as the ability to ‘swap sessions’ as defined at the link below. 

STEP TWO – BE THE CHURCH: Each participant is also expected to begin participating in the life of the parish through our Be The Church experiences. The goal of these experiences is for the participant to learn more about themself and how the Holy Spirit is guiding them to live an active life of faith within our parish community. During each program year (JUNE 1 to MAY 31), the participant must complete six experiences. The participant must submit a reflection of their experiences via the link below. No more than two experiences may be the same and one experience outside of the parish is allowed.

As an option to school year programming, open to middle school youth beginning or in the process of completing the INVITED topics. Each topic is offered in a three-day intensive at our Waxhaw campus.  This summer our Intensive weeks will take place July 22-24 and July 29-31. Click the sun for more information!

SUMMER TOPICSAll topics offered
(max. 2 may be taken)
All topics offered
(max. 2 may be taken)
All topics offered
(max. 2 may be taken)
The Church
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
The Church
The Church
Jesus Christ

Thank you for allowing us the privilege of supporting your family through the Sacramental process.