Absence Policy and Session Swaps
We recognize that illness or unforeseen family circumstances may prevent attendance at all sessions. For that reason, there is a grace of two absences for Invited and Ignite, and a grace of four absences for Chosen, OCIT and Bridges.
We are currently unable to accommodate sessions swaps for our Bridges program.
UNEXPECTED/LAST MINUTE ABSENCE: If an absence occurs, regardless of the reason, the participant is to complete the unit missed at home with a parent/guardian. The participant will show the completed chapter, which must include a parent/guardian signature, to their catechist upon returning to session. If the absence takes place at the end of the trimester, the completed unit must be presented to a staff member. This does not wipe away the absence, but must be done in order to still receive credit for fully completing the trimester.
KNOWN ABSENCE/SESSION SWAP: If you know in advance that your son or daughter will need to miss a session and would like to avoid an absence, you may complete a ‘session swap’ and have them attend at a different session time during the same week they will be missing. Session swaps may only be done twice during a trimester for Invited and Ignite, and up to four times during the program year for Chosen, OCIT and Bridges. To complete a session swap, the parent/guardian MUST fill out the form via the link below.
If a participant exceeds the permitted number of ‘grace’ absences, they will not receive credit for the program and must re-enroll at a future date.