Assist the priest at Mass. Open to all parish members in fifth through 12th grade who have received First Eucharist.
Altar Server Training
Training is offered for children wishing to serve as altar servers. Any child who is in fifth through twelfth grade and has made First Communion is eligible to serve. Interested children are required to attend both Altar Server Orientation and one of the available second training sessions. Training is typically held two times a year and is publicized in the bulletin.
Volunteer Opportunities
Altar Servers are scheduled to serve weekend Masses, holy days, and special Masses throughout the year.
Altar Servers must go through training prior to serving.
Time Commitment
Varies, usually two to three Masses per month.
To volunteer or for more information, please email Donna Sams at dsams1319@gmail.com or Lisa Genant at lisagenant@cs.com.
New to volunteering at St. Matthew? Please read our Safe Environment Policy.