What is “Flocknote” and how do I use it as a Small Group Host?
Flocknote is a web-based parish communication tool. It allows people to join groups, see what kind of groups there are, communicate effectively with group members and track notes so that you can look back and see what was said previously.
It’s new to St. Matthew but has been around for a number of years. We are all still learning how to use it best, but I figured it was time for a quick “How to…” in case any of you would like to use it to communicate with your group!
If you are a group host and have already been in touch with Diane and the Small Groups team, you are already in the Flocknote system. So the next step would be to set up your login password.
First things first – how do you set up a login password?
1. Go to stmatthewcharlotte.flocknote.com.
You should be welcomed by the screen to the right.
2. Click the blue button that says “login” in the bottom left hand corner of the screen prompt.
3. If it is your first time using Flocknote, you’ll need to set up a password first. When you see the screen to the left, you’ll input your email address or phone number and then click the grey words below the blue sign in button. “Reset or create a password.”
Problem Solving:
1. If you tried it with your email address and didn’t have any success, try again with your phone number instead.
2. If it still isn’t working after you’ve tried your email and your phone number, you can email Diane Kiradjieff.
Once you get logged in, you should be able to see your groups on the left-hand side of the page. You may just be in one group at the moment, or you might be in more than one.
If you are hosting a small group, you’ll be a group admin, and you can see who is in your group and have a variety of ways of contacting them.
I’m including some links to some basic articles about how to use Flocknote to send messages, email or text, how to find out who’s in your group, and a couple of other helpful things below.
Any questions? Ask the Small Groups team by emailing smallgroups@stmatthewcatholic.org