Submissions for the Church Bulletin must be made no later than noon on the Wednesday 11 days before the actual date of publication. Articles should be no more than 150 words, written in Times New Roman 11-point font and sent as a Word document. The Communications Office reserves the right to edit all submissions for content and space considerations and will post announcements based on overall communication priorities for the parish. Click here for a complete guideline for the bulletin. Click here for a style guide for all publications.
Send bulletin items to Julia Turner. She can be reached at 704-543-7677 x 1056.
Outside the parish news is included on our website under our Around the Diocese News section. Each week in the bulletin, parishioners are encouraged to visit this page for the latest on events happening around the diocese. Please note that we only include events sponsored by area parishes and our diocese. This is done out of a spirit of fairness and due to the large number of requests. To have something included in this section of the website, email Julia Turner.
Please send information for the St. Matthew website to Lisa Fick. Include the date, time and place of your event, as well as a contact person with name, phone number and email address, along with event details. You may write the information in the email itself or attach it as a Word document.