St. Matthew > The Buzz About St. Matthew’s Honeybees

In late spring of 2024, during routine heavy maintenance, a portion of the New Life Center’s roof was replaced. When the roofers removed a section of the front coping, they discovered a hidden beehive nestled between the exterior and interior walls.

To get a better look, we called in a local beekeeper, and what we found was amazing! The hive was absolutely massive – measuring an impressive 5 feet by 7 feet and home to approximately 100,000 bees, possibly with two queens!

We know honeybees play a vital role in our environment, and in Scripture, they symbolize God’s blessings, love, strength, and wisdom. (Fun fact: There are even bee carvings on St. Peter’s Baldacchino in Rome!) It was clear that the best way to care for creation was to keep our bees right here at
St. Matthew.

Our beekeeper, Jesse, safely removed the hive from the building and relocated the bees to their new home. Now, the St. Matthew honeybees reside happily in 10 apiaries on our corner lot at Ballantyne Commons Parkway and Elm Lane, safely tucked behind a locked fence. Jesse provides them with excellent care, and we expect each hive to produce 2.5–3 gallons of honey annually. Best of all, you’ll be able to purchase St. Matthew honey in our gift shop during the summer months, with proceeds helping to support our local feeding ministries.

But we need your help to name our St. Matthew honey! We’re accepting one suggestion per family, and then our parish will vote on the final name. Send your honey name ideas to us at

See the bees’ big move!