St. Matthew > Ministries List > Spiritual Life & Prayer > Legion of Mary

Is our Lord calling you to work for him and grow spiritually through the intersession of his Mother? Consider joining the Legion of Mary.

The Legion of Mary meets Monday nights from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the NLC Building room 209.  Contact Chris Payton, for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities:

There are two membership options with the Legion of Mary:

  • Active Membership
    • An active member is expected to attend weekly meetings and serve the parish by participating in a weekly assignment.  Weekly assignments are completed in groups of two.
  • Auxiliary Membership
    • Are asked to pray for us daily by praying the Teressa which the Legion of Mary will supply.  Weekly meetings are optional.

Time Commitment:

  • Active Members – 3 1/2 per week
    • 1 1/2 hour meeting on Monday evening from 7 – 8:30 pm
    • 2 hours of serving the community completed in one day.
  • Auxiliary Members – 3 1/2 hours spent in prayer per week
    • Approximately a 1/2 hour a day.

St. Matthew Pilgrim Virgin Statue Home Visitation

We invite parishioners to host a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Visitation prayers to welcome the statue take about 45 minutes, and you may keep the statue in your home for two weeks. Share the love, blessings, and graces of our Blessed Mother as you pray the Rosary with family and friends.