Holy Hope Podcast
Tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or wherever you access your favorite podcasts or access through the links below.
Holy Hope Episode 1: Walking With Moms In Need
Holy Hope Episode 2: Adult Faith Formation
Father Blakey speaks with Rachel Willoughby, the director for Adult Faith Formation.
Holy Hope: Episode 3: Living Your Strengths
Father Darren Balkey speaks with Rossana Alvarez and Dean Kiradjieff, two instructors and leaders of the Living Your Strengths retreat here at St Matthew.
Holy Hope Episode 4: A Preview of Lent
Father Balkey previews Lent and the different offerings around St Matthew this season. From podcasts to lectures and family dinners. We have a little something for everyone this Lent!
Holy Hope Episode 5: Fasting with Jimmy Coleman
Father Balkey talks with parishioner Jimmy Coleman about what it means to fast before and during Lent.
Holy Hope Episode 6: Almsgiving with Teisha Mitchell
Father Balkey speaks with Teisha Mitchell who is the St. Matthew ministry leader for our Men’s Homeless Ministry.
Holy Hope Episode 7: Prayer with Pam Poe
Father Darren Balkey speaks with Pam Poe on the idea of prayer during Lent.
Holy Hope Episode 8: Repentance with Reid Hilgen
Father Darren Balkey speaks with parishioner Ried Hilgen about repentance and what does it truly mean.
Holy Hope Episode 9: Illumination with Payne Miller
Father Darren Balkey speaks with parishioner Payne Miller and what illumination means, especially during the time of Lent.
Holy Hope Episode 10: Revival in Lent
Father Darren Balkey speaks with two of our Teens, Jack and Emily, about revival during this time of Lent.
Holy Hope Episode 11: Sacrifice with Amy and Theresa
Father Darren Balkey talks with mother-daughter duo, Theresa and Amy about sacrifice.
Holy Hope Episode 12: Hope and Joy this Easter
In this episode to conclude our Lenten Journey, Father Darren Balkey speaks with sisters, Joanna and Candace about hope and joy this time of year.
Holy Hope: Special Advent Series
Each Wednesday a new podcast will be released on our new podcast series, Holy Hope, featuring a “Wednesday Refresh” which will dive more deeply into topics from the previous Sunday’s homily. Additional special podcast episodes will be released throughout Advent.
Advent: An Introduction
Father Balkey, Carissa Scibor, and Jim Alvarez discuss preparations for Advent and the traditions it brings.
A Midweek Check-in: First Week of Advent
How’s your week going? Father Balkey reviews last week’s homily and previews the upcoming weekend.
A Midweek Check-in: Second Week of Advent
Father Davis reminds us during the Second Week of Advent to remain faithful and to prepare the way for the Lord into our hearts.
A Midweek Check-in. Third week of Advent
Father Balkey gives us an update on this upcoming weekend.
Show notes from previous broadcasts of (Not) The Only One:
Show Notes for Episode 003 Blessed Carlo Acutis
Blessed Carlo’s website on Eucharistic Miracles: http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/en/liste/list.html
Link to the beatification mass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWa71FDoV_4
Show Notes for Episode 015 - Women in the Bible
“I Choose the Sky” A Scriptural Devotional for Women by Emily Wilson that guides teen through the amazing female role models in the Bible.
“Inspired” by Mark Hart, a great tool to help you read the bible
Laudate App: A Catholic tool where you can find the daily readings (including the audio version), in addition to prayers and helpful resources.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) Open in Spotify
Show Notes for Episode 016 - About Vocations with Fr. John
To learn more about vocations and talk to someone in the Charlotte diocese, visit Charlotte Diocese Vocations. Remember Fr. John, Fr. Peter, and Fr. Davis are always available to chat with our young men and women who would like to know more about religious life and possibly discern. You can contact them through office@stmatthewcatholic.org, or by calling 704.543.7677 to set up a time to talk!
Show Notes for Episode 017 - Sister Clare Crockett
You can check out the documentary, mentioned by Fr. Peter, here for free on YouTube. Highly recommend! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0LKZm2BqZo Sr. Clare Crockett: Alone with Christ Alone; new book including excerpts of Sister Clare’s personal prayer journal: https://www.amazon.com/dp/8409232464/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=clare+crockett&qid=1600068130&sr=8-1 To learn more about the life of Sister Clare Crockett: https://www.sisterclare.com/en/
Show Notes for Episode 018 - Spring Cleaning
25 creative things to give up for Lent: https://lifeteen.com/blog/what-to-give-up-25-creative-ideas-for-lent/
Blessed is She, Beth Davis, “What Should I *do* for Lent?”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfJDrQH1yA4
St. Matthew Stations of the Cross https://www.stmatthewcatholic.org/lent
Learn more about the basics of Lent: https://lifeteen.com/blog/desert-live-lent-purpose/
Show Notes for Episode 020 Father Davis' Vocation Story
Click the link here to access the Holy Communion song Fr. Davis wrote, mentioned in today’s episode:
This is an English translation of the lyrics: Come, O’ Bread of life Be the Peace of my heart. Come, O’ Divine Mercy Overflow in my soul, O’ Loving Jesus As salt in the ocean, In your eternal love, let me be dissolved. Let me humbly offer to you My body, Soul and everything. Beyond the horizons How vast is your love, O’ Lord O defender of every moment of life I will sing your glories in songs.
Show Notes for Episode 031 - In Good Company (St. Therese and St. Padre Pio)
In Good Company: St. Padre Pio & St. Therese of Lisieux” (May 27th):
Rachel’s book recommendation: Read about St. Therese from the Saint herself!
Lauren’s book recommendation: A short & sweet read to learn more about St. Therese and her “little way” of love & trust!
Show Notes for Episode 032 - Seeking Holiness
Continue to learn more about the Saints! Life Teen has a great compiled list of several popular Saints and maybe some you’ve never heard of!
Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, host of the “Poco a Poco” Podcast, has written a brand new book with practical steps we can all take to grow in our relationship with the Lord. You can find it HERE!
Show Notes for Episode 053 - Happy New Year!
Word of the Year Resources:
New Liturgical Goal Ideas:
Show Notes for Episode 054 - Pro-Life Q&A with Fr. Peter
Looking to learn more about the pro-life movement and Church teaching?:
- “Pro-Life Apologetics: The Equal Rights Argument” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=louYc-9cvE0
- Stephanie Gray Connors: “Abortion: From Controversy to Civility” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzzfSq2DEc4 & her book, Love Unleashes Life: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Unleashes-Life-Abortion-Communicating/dp/0919225489/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
- Trent Horn: “Pro-Life Apologetics for College Students”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6LNbRnQxI0 & his book, Persuasive Pro-Life: https://www.amazon.com/Persuasive-Pro-Life-Cultures-Toughest/dp/1941663044
- “Last Line of Defense”: What is pro-life sidewalk counseling all about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA4eJdIDNXo
Looking for resources within our Charlotte community?:
- Office of Family Life – Charlotte Diocese: Coordinates pro-life efforts for the diocese. You can email them at FamilyLife@rcdoc.org
- Respect Life Program – Diocese of Charlotte: https://www.facebook.com/RespectLifeDOC/
- Project Rachel: Healing After Abortion https://hopeafterabortion.com/
- MiraVia, a nonprofit in Charlotte that supports families in choosing life: https://miravia.org/
- Walking with Moms in Need – a St. Matthew ministry: https://stmatthewcatholic.org/ministries/stewardship-service/walking-with-moms-in-need/