The Nursery is open during the 9 and 10:45 am Masses for children, infants to 3 years old!
St. Matthew Catholic Church provides loving child care at no charge on the main campus for registered parishioners with children from age 0 to those who turn 3 before Aug. 31 at the 9 am and 10:45 am Sunday Masses. No reservation is required. The Nursery for Sunday Mass care is located in the Parish Center. For questions about our nursery, contact our Nursery Supervisor Maria King, 704-543-7677 x1003 .
Please note the nursery will be closed on these Sundays in 2025:
- Easter – April 20
- Mother’s Day – May 11
- Memorial Day – May 25
- July 4th Holiday – July 6
- Labor Day – August 31
- Thanksgiving – November 30
- Christmas – December 28
Nursery/Child Care Policy
Child care will be provided by St. Matthew employees only. Volunteers will not provide child care as directed by Diocesan Policy on Safety and Loss Prevention as well as policies outlined by Diocesan Human Resources.
Child care employees will be screened by St. Matthew and will be required to complete the outlined Diocesan programs for interaction with children under the age of 18 and disabled adults; continuing classes in first aid, CPR, Epi-pen administration and AED will be available to all child care employees.
A minimum of two trained St. Matthew child care employees will be assigned for each scheduled child care session/event. We follow the child-to-caregiver ratio outlined by the state of North Carolina, up to the maximum capacity of the nursery facility. This will assure the safety of both children and employees.
Employees will provide child care no more that 15 minutes prior to the onset of a scheduled event and not more than 15 minutes after the close of the scheduled event. Child care will not be provided for any event in which any alcoholic beverages are served.
Children to be cared for must be healthy. Ill or sick children may be turned away at the discretion of the child care employees to the parent or legal guardian.