Without God, we forget that all is gift and we begin to think ourselves as owners, instead of stewards, masters of the universe instead of servants of the one lord who has called us to nurture and develop his gifts wisely and well for the good of all.
– Pope Benedict XVI
As Catholics we are challenged to choose stewardship as a lifestyle based on our baptismal call. A stewardship lifestyle is countercultural in today’s world of consumerism, materialism and individualism. However, Christian stewards do not reject money or material things. Rather, we develop and share them for our own good and for the benefit of others.
As good stewards, we thank God for all of His blessings by returning a portion of the Time, Talents and Treasure allotted to us. Conscious that what we have been given by God belongs to Him, we are only giving back what He already owns. We feel the need to give back in thanksgiving, regardless of the needs of the Church or the parish. Stewardship is a spiritual way of life that leads to conversion and a deeper relationship with Jesus.
St. Matthew is a tithing parish – 10% of our offertory is given to charitable causes. This is possible because of the generous financial gifts of our parishioners. For this we are truly grateful.
Stewardship of Treasure
Each year in January, on Stewardship of Treasure commitment weekend, we ask each family to prayerfully review their financial situation and commit to a weekly financial donation to the parish.
In keeping with the biblical meaning of stewardship, we give proportionately from our first fruits – our substance, not just what is left over. As Catholics, we consider the minimum 10% biblical tithe to be: 5% to your parish, 1% to the diocese, and 4% to other charitable causes. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, these financial gifts are multiplied to accomplish countless good works in our parish and community.
Stewardship of Treasure commitment cards are provided to all registered families. Your gift of treasure can be made weekly in your parish envelope, by automatic payments through your bank, or by using Faith Direct, our electronic contribution provider. For those completing a commitment card, quarterly statements are provided to track your family’s financial gifts to the parish. Annual tax statements detailing all gifts are provided to all registered parishioners.
To receive your 2020 Tax Statement electronically, click here.
Stewardship of Time and Talent
Just as important to our parish is the stewardship of time and talent. Recognizing the busy lives that our parishioners lead, we are especially grateful to those who give generously of their time and talents to further the work of the church. In the fall, on Ministry Fair weekend, we celebrate the many ways that parishioners use their time and talent to serve the parish and community in the more than 100 active ministries at St. Matthew Church. At the Ministry Fair, parishioners can ask questions of ministry volunteers and sign up to serve in a ministry.