St. Matthew > Ministries List > Parish Family Life > Moms Group

What is the Moms Group?

The Moms Group at St. Matthew serves mothers of all ages while in all stages of their lives.  First time moms and moms of infants, moms of school-aged children, moms of saints, and mothers whose children are grown and have moved out of the house are welcome.  We have been called by the Lord to be mothers.  In support of our very special vocations, we meet to nourish our faith lives to in turn support our families on their journeys to sainthood.

What does the Moms Group do?

This is a faith-based group that supports mothers.  We pray together and for each other.  We study the Bible.  We study the lives of the saints.  We do service projects.  We learn about and practice liturgical living with our families.  We grow in friendship.

When does the Moms Group meet?

Thursdays from 10AM-noon

How can I learn more?

Contact Kristina Villella at