St. Matthew > Faith Formation > Catholic School: Sacraments

Registration is temporarily suspended, but will reopen on Sunday, July 14 at 4 pm through the button link above.

If your child needs to be baptized, or was baptized outside of the Catholic faith, please contact Lori Mathews (

Preparing for First Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist

In the Diocese of Charlotte, the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist is received in the spring of Second Grade. Preparation for First Holy Eucharist takes place over two consecutive years. The first year may take place in Catholic school or Faith Formation; the second year a child must be registered with the Office of Faith Formation to prepare. For specific questions regarding First Eucharist, please contact Lori Mathews

RECEIVE: Preparation for Elementary School

Second Grade: For the child who attended Catholic school or Catholic faith formation in First Grade, the parent enrolls them in RECEIVE: Catholic School, 2nd Grade. For the child who did not attend Catholic school or Catholic faith formation in First Grade, the parent enrolls them in RECEIVE: Grades Two and Three. This child will attend weekly faith formation sessions in addition to their religion class at school.

Third to Fifth Grade: For the older elementary child, the parent enrolls them in RECEIVE according to their grade level. This child will attend weekly faith formation sessions in addition to their religion class at school.

Participation in RECEIVE includes a parent-child orientation for each Sacrament, two parent-child mini retreat experiences and an at home activity booklet that supplements the Sacramental process.

BRIDGES: Preparation for the Sixth or Seventh Grader

CHOSEN/OCIT: Preparation for Eighth to Twelfth Grade

In the Diocese of Charlotte, the Sacrament of Confirmation is received in the spring of eighth grade or older. Preparation for Confirmation takes place in two parts. The first part is two consecutive years and may take place in Catholic school or Faith Formation; for the second part, a child must be registered with the Office of Faith Formation to prepare. For specific questions regarding Confirmation, please contact Trish Martin.

Thank you for allowing us the privilege of supporting your family through the Sacramental process.