St. Matthew > Faith Formation > Absences and Session Swaps

Each participant in the INVITED and IGNITE programs is expected to be present for ALL EIGHT SESSIONS. However, we recognize that illness or unforeseen family circumstances may prevent attendance. For that reason, each trimester has a grace of two excused absences.  

UNEXPECTED/LAST MINUTE ABSENCE: If an absence occurs, regardless of the reason, the participant is to complete the unit missed at home with a parent/guardian. The participant will show the completed chapter, which must include a parent/guardian signature, to their catechist upon returning to session.  If the absence takes place at the end of the trimester, the completed unit must be presented to a staff member. This does not wipe away the absence, but must be done in order to still receive credit for fully completing the trimester.

KNOWN ABSENCE/SESSION SWAP: If you know in advance that your son or daughter will need to miss a session and would like to avoid an absence, you may complete a ‘session swap’ and have them attend at a different session time during the same week they will be missing.  Session swaps may only be done twice during a trimester. To complete a session swap, the parent/guardian MUST fill out the form via the link below.

If a participant exceeds two absences, they will not receive credit for the trimester and the INVITED topic or IGNITE trimester will need to be taken again. 2024-2025 link will activate at the beginning of September.