St. Matthew > Muffin Ministry


We provide food for the homeless, 24 muffins at a time.

Description of agencies served: The Salvation Army Center of Hope (shelter for women and children), Men’s Shelter of Charlotte, and Urban Ministry Center. All of these agencies serve the homeless of Charlotte.  Twice a month we deliver muffins to these three shelters.


Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are to bake (not buy) 24 cupcake-size muffins. Muffins are dropped off in the New Life Center at St. Matthew. Drivers take them to the shelters. There are no dietary restrictions for the muffins: nuts, fruit, eggs, milk, etc. are all allowed. Reminder emails are sent one week in advance. Bakers may drop muffins off at church up to a week before they are due. This is a great opportunity for community service hours for teens and a very easy way to get younger children involved in helping to feed the homeless.

For more detailed information, please see the following documents: Baking Instructions and Recipes.

Baking Dates for 2024

Muffin Ministry Schedule for 2024

Time Commitment

Volunteers bake muffins four times a year. It usually takes about an hour or so to bake the muffins.

For more information or to volunteer, email Jan Grouge,

New to volunteering at St. Matthew? Please read our Safe Environment Policy.