St. Matthew > News > Our Parish Response to Bishop Martin’s Corpus Christi Challenge

Are You a Guest or Are You a Host?

We find ourselves longing for a real presence – that is, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that unites us with Christ really present in the Eucharist.”

So what do we do as the People of God? What do you and I do as a community of faith that desires not only to be really present, but desires to come to know our God, who is really present?”

In order for us to be really present, we have to be together in communion. Present.”

We will follow the Lord. May we begin to realize that. This journey of real presence isn’t and can’t be done alone. It has to be done with one another. So we come and worship as one – with one voice, but not alone. That’s how presence is experienced, because we’re social beings at the core.”

The work of faith requires preparation. You don’t just show up, I’ve told my parishioners all the time: there are two ways to come to church – you’re either a host or a guest. Too many people walk into church as guests. The hosts realize that they’ve been given a gift and they want to share it. They’re looking for ways to help people experience that gift, to help people be really present. Are you a guest or are you a host?

Excerpts from Bishop Michael Martin’s homily – Corpus Christi 2024 Ways We Can Be Hosts

Rededicate to Worship 

  • Volunteer for our liturgical ministries: ushers, ministers of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Mass coordinators, sacristans, altar servers, choir and greeters.
  • Actively participate in the prayers, responses, songs and more. 
  • Attend the Children’s Mass and encourage your children to be a part of the celebration.
  • Foster a welcoming and hospitable atmosphere at our parish.
  • Engage fully in the Mass as a shared responsibility.

Encounter Jesus in the Eucharist

  • Embrace our Sunday obligation as a personal invitation from Christ.
  • Give thanks for the Eucharist and receive the Eucharist as often as possible.
  • Participate in Eucharistic Adoration and our monthly parish enrichment.

Enrich Our Faith 

  • Take part in our adult enrichment programs.
  • Support and engage with your children as they form their faith. 
  • Join parish activities designed for all age groups.

Bring the Real Presence into the World 

  • Let our revitalized worship inspire acts of service and hospitality.
  • Volunteer for one of our outreach ministries. 
  • Invite someone to Mass or one of our parish events.

Join Us as Hosts! Think about how you and your family can actively contribute to our parish community, bringing the True Presence into our daily lives and the lives of others. There’s more for us to do than sit in the pew. 

You Belong Here!