Vacation Bible School 2025 – True North June 23-27, 2025 from 9 am to Noon Main Campus Take kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where the northern lights shine over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and sparkling glaciers. As they trek the tundra, they’ll discover how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Guiding them towards Jesus, True North VBS reveals that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!
Registration links will appear on the VBS website on Monday, Feb. 3. Registration will go live on Feb. 9 at 3 pm.
Being an altar server is a wonderful way for children to actively participate in the Mass. Any child in grades 5 through 12 who has made their First Communion is eligible to serve.
Training will be offered on the following dates. Your child is required to attend one of the sessions listed below. Registration is required, all session are held in the main campus sanctuary:
We invite parishioners who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation to consider serving as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This is a meaningful way to support our parish family by assisting in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. Upcoming training sessions are:
Christ Renews Us, formerly Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), is a retreat for the men and women of St. Matthew. The parishioner-led experience is designed to foster a sense of community that will make this very large parish smaller and more manageable for you. Your faith will grow stronger; you will make new friends; and, your spirit will be renewed by attending a Christ Renews Us Men’s or Women’s Retreat.
We are excited to announce the dates for the next Christ Renews Us!
Men: Mar. 14 and 15, 2025 Women: Mar. 21 and 22, 2025
Did you know the Catholic Church supports organ donation as an act of love and self-giving? Both Pope Francis and St. John Paul II have encouraged this life-saving practice, describing it as a meaningful way to show charity and solidarity. St. John Paul II described it as “a genuine act of love,” while Pope Francis called it “a testimony of love for our neighbor.” By offering the gift of life to those in need, organ donors live out Christ’s call to love our neighbor in a tangible way.
Right now, Joe Buonanno, a long-time member of our parish community, is in urgent need of a kidney transplant. If you feel called to help, please visit for more information.
Let us keep Joe and all those awaiting transplants in our prayers, and may we strive to embody Christ’s love through acts of kindness and generosity.
Support and Donate to the St. Matthew Catholic School Wildcat Aunnal Fund
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024-2025 Wildcat Annual Fund, themed “Joy in Service.” Together, we celebrate the joy of serving others in our community—whether through our meal-packing event, in-school service projects, serving meals to the homeless, or helping our neighbors in Western North Carolina.
Our goal this year is to raise $75,000 to support Catholicity, professional development, technology, and cultural enrichment.
Join us in making a difference in St. Matthew Catholic School and the broader community as we embrace the joy of giving back and finding joy in service! We invite you, and anyone who loves Catholic Schools, to help us meet our goal by donating today. Gifts of all sizes make an immediate impact and are tax-deductible. By supporting our mission through the Wildcat Annual Fund, you play a pivotal role in creating a brighter future for our school.
Click the video to watch a special 2024-2025 Wildcat Annual Fund message from St. Matthew Catholic School Principal, Kevin O’Herron.
“We find ourselves longing for a real presence – that is, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that unites us with Christ reallypresent in the Eucharist.”
“So what do we do as the People of God? What do you and I do as a community of faith that desires not only to be really present, but desires to come to know our God, who is really present?”
“In order for us to be really present, we have to be together in communion. Present.”
“We will follow the Lord. May we begin to realize that. This journey of real presence isn’t and can’t be done alone. It has to be done with one another. So we come and worship as one – with one voice, but not alone. That’s how presence is experienced, because we’re social beings at the core.”
“The work of faith requires preparation. You don’t just show up, I’ve told my parishioners all the time: there are two ways to come to church – you’re either a host or a guest. Too many people walk into church as guests. The hosts realize that they’ve been given a gift and they want to share it. They’re looking for ways to help people experience that gift, to help people be really present. Are you a guest or are you a host?”
Excerpts from Bishop Michael Martin’s homily – Corpus Christi 2024 Ways We Can Be Hosts
Rededicate to Worship
Volunteer for our liturgical ministries: ushers, ministers of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Mass coordinators, sacristans, altar servers, choir and greeters.
Actively participate in the prayers, responses, songs and more.
Attend the Children’s Mass and encourage your children to be a part of the celebration.
Foster a welcoming and hospitable atmosphere at our parish.
Engage fully in the Mass as a shared responsibility.
Encounter Jesus in the Eucharist
Embrace our Sunday obligation as a personal invitation from Christ.
Give thanks for the Eucharist and receive the Eucharist as often as possible.
Participate in Eucharistic Adoration and our monthly parish enrichment.
Enrich Our Faith
Take part in our adult enrichment programs.
Support and engage with your children as they form their faith.
Join parish activities designed for all age groups.
Bring the Real Presence into the World
Let our revitalized worship inspire acts of service and hospitality.
Volunteer for one of our outreach ministries.
Invite someone to Mass or one of our parish events.
Join Us as Hosts! Think about how you and your family can actively contribute to our parish community, bringing the True Presence into our daily lives and the lives of others. There’s more for us to do than sit in the pew.
The Diocese of Charlotte is enhancing its Safe Environment program with new, comprehensive policies and procedures updated for today’s issues and needs. Among other updates, the diocese has shifted from Virtus to a streamlined platform called CMG Connect. CMG Connect will combine all of our Safe Environment screening, onboarding, and training in one place for all clergy, employees, and volunteers.
All who volunteer or work in the Diocese of Charlotte will need to be set up and certified through CMG Connect.
Existing Virtus Users: If your Virtus account contains your email address, please look for an email from the diocese or your local Safe Environment coordinator with instructions for how to access your new CMG Connect account.