Our monthly service at Missionaries of the Poor in Monroe, NC has resumed! Join us for this family-friendly volunteer opportunity. We prepare and serve lunch, work in the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) gardens, and assist in the faith formation of the children MOP serves.
If interested in volunteering, email Theresa McCluskey at thres1234us@yahoo.com.
MOP Garden Ministry
A youth group from South Carolina spent a few days tilling, fertilizing, and planting most of the gardens and we are restarting our Saturday Service where volunteers from churches around NC and SC bring a meal to serve our Monroe brothers and sisters and their families.
As a part of our big restart, we are also seeking four garden workers each Saturday. If you have a few hours to spare on a Saturday morning – just sign up using the button below. Bring family or friends! We need you more than ever for this new plan to be successful!
Please contact Charlene Will, via email at ahhhhmassage@aol.com, the MOP Garden Ministry Coordinator if you have any questions.