The Feast of Corpus Christi 2024 was a magnificent way for our parish family to come together for Holy Mass. Bishop Martin’s inspiring homily reminded us that worship isn’t a solo act — it’s about coming together. He stated, “I don’t come here to worship in a silo, just me in my own little prayer space — No. We will follow the Lord together as a faith community: first and foremost as a family and then as a parish community. We will follow the Lord.” He reminded us that the journey of Real Presence can’t be done alone; it has to be done with one another.
Are you a guest or are you a host? Bishop Martin shared a powerful message about the two ways we can come to church: as guests or as hosts. Guests look for comfort and evaluate their experience, while hosts recognize the gift they’ve received and strive to share it with others. Being a host requires preparation and effort, especially in a culture that demands immediate understanding.
We invite you to embrace the role of host within our parish community. We are excited to continue this journey with you and work together to achieve our Bishop’s call to action of enriching our faith and community, encountering Jesus in the Eucharist, and bringing the Real Presence into the world. Stay tuned for more information coming next month about how you can get involved, share your gifts, and help others experience the fullness of our faith. Together, let’s make our church a place where we all do more than sit in the pew. Let’s make it a place where we all become hosts.