St. Matthew > News > 22nd Annual Monsignor McSweeney World Hunger Drive

We are excited to kick off the Monsignor McSweeney World Hunger Drive (MMWHD)! Together, we continue to build a “Bridge of Hope” by providing food, sustainability projects, and education to our brothers and sisters locally and around the world.

Many in Haiti are struggling due to food shortages, poor living conditions, and lawlessness. Our MMWHD effort is working to build a “Bridge of Hope” by creating hope, love, and joy through the support of the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) in Cap Haitian, and Hands for Haiti, which operates St. Marc School in Tremesse. 

This year’s goal is to raise $340,000, which will help provide a minimum of 300,000 pounds of food and critical supplies. Donations will also fund sustainability projects and subsidize the education of children at St. Marc. A donation of $120 to MMWHD will help feed a child for a year and save them from starvation.

Let’s keep the momentum going! Over the years our parishioners and friends in the community have helped to provide over 4,150,800 pounds of food and medical supplies. The meal-packing effort alone has provided about 3,300,000 packaged meals, shared primarily in Haiti and in our local community. Additionally, participants have provided hundreds of thousands of dollars for sustainability projects and education. In twenty-two years, volunteers dedicated 48,000 service hours to our brothers and sisters who need our care and love.

Please visit the web pages listed below to find out more, register to participate, or donate to this amazing cause!